So previous post i was talking about some record by a band named Infestus and i said it was pretty good, well here it Exist.
So this record was done by one dude named Andras and that dude is crazy good on all instrument. This being a one man black metal band youre probably thinking that its some depresive Xasthur-like bullshit (nothing against Xasthur yo) but it is not. This is black metal full of emotion. It sound very symphonic and huge if i might say but not in a Dimmu Borgir way. No overdone orchestration to be found here just insanely good song writing skill. You feel that Andras put all of himself in that record.
When you listen to that album youve got to listen to it all, not just a single song (which are all amazing).
Probably my favorite black metal album of the year and contender for album of the year in general.