Mitochondrion - Parasignosis
Autopsy - Macabre Eternal
Azarath - Blasphemer's Maledictions
Fyrnask - Bluostar
Warbringer - World Torn Asunder (Premiun Seagrave shit right here)
Andrei Bouzikov knows whats up.
Skeletonwitch - Forever Abobination
Cannabis Corpse - Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise
Fallujah - The Harvest Wombs
Antedilluvian - Through the Cervix of Hawwah
Disma - Towards the Megalith
Condemned - Realms of the Ungodly
Cormorant - Dwellings
Encoffination - O' Hell, Shine in Thy Whited Sepulchres
Klabautamann - The Old Chamber
Certainly missed some sweet artwork but yeah those are sweet as well, i think.